Welcome to Jarritos Lotería!
We created a new Jarritos Lotería game, play with your friends!
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Rank | Username | Wins |
1 | bearypaw6 | 1768 |
2 | B Q | 1665 |
3 | BAD BUNNY | 1643 |
4 | MML | 1046 |
5 | melbr00ks | 766 |
6 | nalr | 534 |
7 | Toughmn | 428 |
8 | LaShAyala | 423 |
9 | Colt.loparco | 314 |
10 | JGrove | 313 |
We became aware of a bug with the game that caused some people to have more wins than they actually had. We have patched the bug and changed the leaderboard to reflect the actual win count. Sorry for any inconvenience. If you have any questions please consumer.relations@novamex.com.
Welcome to Jarritos Lotería!
We created a new Jarritos Lotería game, play with your friends!
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